Crossref – Enabling African research item discoverability through the Research Nexus

We will hear about the Crossref Research Nexus and about the activities of the Crossref Ambassadors in Africa.

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Speaker profile

Johanssen Obanda

ORCID: 0000-0002-2111-7780

Obanda joined Crossref in 2023 to work with Crossref Ambassadors to effectively engage their communities and support Crossref’s outreach initiatives. Obanda is passionate about building an inclusive research ecosystem where researchers across the globe can easily access scientific knowledge and make meaningful connections. His previous experience includes social entrepreneurship and science communication.

Questions that were addressed during the session

  • How does Crossref contribute to enhancing the discoverability of research items in Africa through the Research Nexus, and what specific features or mechanisms does it employ for this purpose?
  • What are some of Crossref’s Outreach initiatives?
  • Are there opportunities that have risen in the implementation of Crossref’s initiatives to promote the discoverability of African research items?
  • Are there challenges in the implementation of Crossref’s initiatives to promote the discoverability of African research items?
  • If yes,  what are these challenges and how has the Research Nexus addressed or overcome these challenges?

Crossref supporting African research

  • Crossref DOIs are being assigned to research items submitted to AfricArXiv via ScienceOpen, OSF, and PubPub and thus increase their discoverability.
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About the webinar series

This webinar was co-organized by UbuntuNet Alliance and Access 2 Perspectives as part of the ORCID Global Participation Program.

ORCID is the persistent identifier for researchers to share their accomplishments (research articles, data, etc with funding agencies, publishers, data repositories, and other research workflows.

AfricArXiv is a community-led digital archive for African research communication. By enhancing the visibility of African research, we enable discoverability and collaboration opportunities for African scientists on the continent as well as globally.

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