AfricArXiv presented at the SRI 2024 Africa Satellite Event

At the recent SRI Africa Satellite Event held in Durban, South Africa, Keletso Masisi, AfricArXiv project manager, presented a workshop titled “Enhancing Sustainability Research Access through AfricArXiv” with online contributions from Mr Ebuka Ezeike and Dr Jo Havemann. The satellite event focused on the critical role of sustainability research in addressing climate change, supporting ecosystem restoration efforts, and promoting ecosystem-based adaptation. The key message was the necessity for all societal stakeholders to have access to sustainability research outputs to foster informed decision-making and innovative solutions.

During the presentation, it was highlighted that since 2023, AfricArXiv has been formally hosted and maintained by the UbuntuNet Alliance in Lilongwe, Malawi. This partnership ensures both legal and physical ownership of African research data, promoting a sense of ownership and control over the continent’s scholarly outputs.

The workshop highlighted open publishing practices within an African context, emphasizing the importance of accessible and transparent dissemination of research findings. AfricArXiv serves as a platform for engagement among researchers, policymakers, local and indigenous communities, and other societal representatives. It facilitates training and knowledge-sharing, ensuring that data ownership remains with the stakeholders involved.

The workshop provided a space for participants to discuss and exchange best practices related to sustainability research. This included sharing insights on how to enhance the impact and reach of research outputs. Participants were guided through the submission process on AfricArXiv, with a focus on scholarly publishing and the digital infrastructure supporting these activities.

The team’s presentation at the SRI Africa Satellite Event highlighted the importance of open access to sustainability research. By using a platform like AfricArXiv, African researchers can ensure their work is accessible, discoverable, and impactful. The workshop showcased a collaborative environment for discussing best practices and enhancing the visibility of African sustainability research.

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