AfricArXiv for Research Funders

AfricArXiv serves research funders in maximizing the impact and value of funded research, and by aligning with the strategic goals and requirements:

Enhanced Visibility and Accessibility

Open Access: By making research outputs freely available, IRs increase the visibility and accessibility of funded research, ensuring that the public, policymakers, and other researchers can access the findings.

Wider Dissemination: Funded research is more widely disseminated, reaching a broader audience, which can lead to greater impact and citation rates.

Compliance with Open Access Mandates: Many funders have mandates requiring that research outputs be openly accessible. IRs provide a platform for researchers to deposit their work, ensuring compliance with these mandates.

Long-term Preservation

Archiving: AfricArXiv ensures the long-term preservation of research outputs, protecting funders’ investment by maintaining access to the research over time.

Data Preservation: Alongside publications, IRs can also archive research data, ensuring that datasets generated through funded projects are preserved and accessible for future use.

Monitoring and Reporting

Tracking Impact: AfricArXiv provides tools to track the usage and impact of deposited works, providing funders with metrics and analytics on how their funded research is being accessed and utilized.

Compliance Reporting: AfricArXiv can generate reports that demonstrate compliance with funder requirements, simplifying the reporting process for both researchers and funders.

Promoting Collaboration and Innovation

Interdisciplinary Access: By providing access to a broad range of research outputs, IRs facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration, potentially leading to new innovations and advancements. Networking Opportunities: The visibility of research in IRs can lead to networking and collaboration opportunities with other researchers, institutions, and industry partners.

Showcasing Funded Research

Highlighting Achievements: IRs can be used to showcase the achievements of funded research projects, providing funders with a platform to demonstrate the impact and value of their investments.

Branding and Recognition: Funders receive recognition for their support through consistent branding and acknowledgment in the deposited materials.

Cost Efficiency

Reducing Duplication: By centralizing access to research outputs, IRs help avoid duplication of effort, ensuring that new research builds on existing work.

Economic Benefits: Open access to research can lead to economic benefits by accelerating the application of research findings in various sectors.

Supporting Researcher Compliance and Efficiency

Simplified Depositing Process: IRs often have user-friendly interfaces that make it easier for researchers to deposit their work, ensuring that compliance with funder requirements is not overly burdensome.

Integrated Systems: Many IRs are integrated with other research management systems, providing a seamless experience for researchers to manage their outputs and comply with various requirements.

To get in touch with our team and discuss how we can support you, please email us at or book a Zoom call via

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