For Institutions

AfricArXiv significantly contributes to the discoverability and impact assessment of African research. By offering a free and open platform for disseminating research and providing comprehensive bibliometric tools, it supports research institutions in showcasing their work and analyzing its influence within the academic community and beyond.

Enhanced Discoverability

Open Access Platform

  • Preprints and Postprints: AfricArXiv allows researchers to upload preprints (pre-peer-reviewed manuscripts) and postprints (peer-reviewed manuscripts) to a publicly accessible platform. This increases the visibility of their research before formal publication.
  • Multilingual Support: AfricArXiv supports submissions in multiple languages, catering to the diverse linguistic landscape of Africa. This ensures broader dissemination of research findings.

Integration with Global Repositories

  • DOI Assignments: Each submission is assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), which ensures that the work is easily citable and traceable in academic literature.
  • Indexing: AfricArXiv collaborates with indexing services to ensure that uploaded research is indexed in major academic databases, increasing the chances of it being discovered by researchers worldwide.

Promotion and Networking

  • Social Media and Collaborations: AfricArXiv actively promotes uploaded research through social media and its network of partners. This amplifies the reach of research outputs.
  • Collaborative Tools: The platform fosters collaborations by connecting African researchers with global networks, facilitating the exchange of ideas and joint research endeavors.

Analyzing Bibliometrics

Usage Metrics

  • Download and View Counts: AfricArXiv provides authors and institutions with detailed metrics on the number of times their work has been downloaded and viewed. This data helps gauge the interest and reach of their research.

Citation Tracking

  • Citation Analysis: By assigning DOIs and integrating with citation tracking services, AfricArXiv enables researchers and institutions to monitor how often their work is cited in subsequent research. This is crucial for understanding the impact of their work.
  • Altmetrics: AfricArXiv also provides alternative metrics, such as mentions in social media, policy documents, and news articles, offering a broader view of the impact beyond traditional citations.

Institutional Analytics

  • Aggregated Data: Research institutions can access aggregated bibliometric data, allowing them to analyze the overall performance and impact of their researchers’ outputs.
  • Benchmarking: Institutions can benchmark their research impact against other institutions within Africa and globally to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

To get in touch with our team and discuss how we can support you, please email us at or book a Zoom call via

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