For Journals

AfricArXiv is a research repository and open-access platform that serves the interests of research journals in Africa by providing a space for researchers to share their findings and collaborate.

AfricArXiv serves the interests of research journals in Africa by increasing the visibility and accessibility of African research, fostering collaboration, supporting the hosting and publication of journals through innovative models like the overlay journal model, building research capacity, and advocating for African research on the global stage. This multifaceted support helps to enhance the impact and sustainability of African research journals.

Here’s how AfricArXiv benefits African research journals, including through the hosting of journals online with the overlay journal model:

1. Increased Visibility and Accessibility

  • Preprints Repository: AfricArXiv allows researchers to upload preprints of their research papers, making them accessible to the global research community before formal peer review and publication. This increases the visibility of African research.
  • Open Access: By providing open access to research papers, AfricArXiv ensures that the research is freely available to anyone with internet access, enhancing the reach and impact of African research.

2. Collaboration and Networking

  • Community Building: AfricArXiv fosters a community of African researchers, facilitating networking and collaboration across the continent and with the global research community.
  • Interdisciplinary Research: By providing a platform where researchers from various disciplines can share their work, AfricArXiv promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, which can lead to innovative research outcomes.

3. Supporting Research Journals

  • Journal Hosting: AfricArXiv provides infrastructure for hosting African research journals online, ensuring that journals can reach a wider audience and operate more efficiently.
  • Overlay Journal Model: In the overlay journal model, research papers are first uploaded to a preprint server like AfricArXiv. Journals then manage the peer review process and overlay their journal branding and formatting onto the accepted preprints, effectively turning them into formally published articles.
    • Cost-Effective: This model reduces the costs associated with traditional journal publishing, such as printing and distribution, making it more sustainable for African journals.
    • Rapid Dissemination: Research can be disseminated quickly since papers are available as preprints before undergoing peer review, with the journal adding value through the peer review and formal publication process.
    • Quality Assurance: The peer review process managed by the journal ensures the quality and credibility of the published research, maintaining high academic standards.

4. Capacity Building

  • Training and Resources: AfricArXiv provides resources and training for researchers on topics such as open access, preprint submission, and scholarly communication, which helps improve the overall quality and impact of African research.
  • Technical Support: By offering technical support for the online hosting of journals, AfricArXiv helps journals to adopt modern publishing practices and improve their operational efficiency.

5. Advocacy and Representation

  • Promoting African Research: AfricArXiv advocates for the recognition and inclusion of African research in the global scientific community, helping to address the underrepresentation of African research in mainstream academic publishing.
  • Policy Influence: By providing a platform for African research, AfricArXiv can influence research policies and practices, promoting the adoption of open access and other progressive scholarly communication practices in Africa.

To get in touch with our team and discuss how we can support you, please email us at or book a Zoom call via

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