For Researchers

AfricArXiv is a research repository and open-access platform dedicated to increasing the visibility and accessibility of research conducted by African scientists. It serves researchers by integrating persistent identifiers such as ORCID, DOI, and ROR, which enhance the discoverability, credibility, and impact of their work supports the global integration and recognition of contributions from African researchers and institutions.

Here’s how AfricArXiv leverages these identifiers:

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)

  1. Unique Researcher Identification: ORCID provides a unique identifier for researchers, ensuring that their work is correctly attributed to them despite name variations or changes over time.
  2. Integration with Research Outputs: Researchers can link their ORCID iD to their AfricArXiv submissions, which allows for seamless integration with their academic profiles and ensures their work is easily discoverable across multiple platforms.
  3. Enhanced Collaboration: By using ORCID, researchers can showcase their full body of work, making it easier to find potential collaborators who can verify their contributions and previous research.

DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

  1. Persistent Linking: Each submission to AfricArXiv is assigned a DOI, providing a permanent and reliable link to the research output. This ensures that the work can always be found, even if the URL changes.
  2. Citation and Tracking: DOIs facilitate proper citation of research, enabling other researchers to reference the work accurately. They also allow for tracking citations and usage metrics, giving authors insight into the impact of their research.
  3. Increased Accessibility: With DOIs, AfricArXiv ensures that research is accessible and citable, promoting wider dissemination and use of the work within the global scientific community.

ROR (Research Organization Registry)

  1. Affiliation Identification: ROR provides unique identifiers for research organizations, enabling the accurate identification of an author’s institutional affiliation. This is particularly important for recognizing the contributions of institutions and departments.
  2. Institutional Visibility: By associating research outputs with ROR IDs, AfricArXiv enhances the visibility of African research institutions and their contributions to global knowledge.
  3. Data Integration: ROR IDs facilitate the integration of institutional data across various platforms and systems, ensuring that the affiliations are consistently and correctly represented in metadata.

Benefits to Researchers

  • Increased Discoverability: Persistent identifiers ensure that research outputs are easily searchable and accessible to a global audience.
  • Enhanced Credibility: Proper attribution through ORCID and DOIs adds credibility and recognition to researchers’ work.
  • Greater Impact: Improved discoverability and citation potential increase the overall impact of the research.
  • Networking Opportunities: Accurate affiliation data through ROR can lead to more effective networking and collaboration opportunities.

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