Submission Guide

General information before submitting

Research hosted and curated by AfricArxiv allows for free and quick dissemination and global engagement.

All published articles and data items will receive an open license allowing reuse (e.g. CC BY 4.0 license for manuscripts) and a DataCite DOI (digital object identifier) and be indexed in scholarly databases.

Please note: AfricArXiv is not a journal and does not evaluate the scientific quality of a manuscript in all details. Once a manuscript passes moderation and is published, it persists in the system indefinitely. We reserve the right to withdraw manuscripts after publication if fraud or plagiarism is identified.

Check for journal compliance: Use the SHERPA/RoMEO service to check journal Open access policies for further details on self-archiving options for the journal in which you plan to publish your article.

Who should submit

We encourage submissions from:

African researchersnon-African researchers
– based on the African continent
– based at a host institute outside of Africa
– reporting on research conducted on African territory; preferably with African co-authors listed
– reporting on research relevant to African affairs
Non-academic institutions
– governmental institutions
– non-governmental institutionsorganizations with scholarly affiliation and/or focus and methodology
– community-based organizations who wish to share their knowledge and protect it from misappropriation

What to submit

We accept the following types and formats:

text filesdata and other file types
Research manuscripts, review paper manuscripts, project proposals, case studies, methods descriptions, technical notes‘negative’ results and ‘null’ results (i.e. results that do not support a hypothesis)Peer Review reportsPolicy papersAnnual reports
Translations of any of the above
table datasetscodepresentationsaudio/video recordingsfor anything else please contact us at

The Submission Process

You can upload your manuscript via our new platform at

In case of any questions email us at

The process is straightforward:

  1. Register an account at by entering your email or signup and login with your ORCID iD
    • ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier known as ORCID iD which allows you to connect and share your professional information (affiliation, grants, publications, peer review, etc.) with other systems, ensuring you get recognition for all your scholarly contributions.
  2. Check your inbox for the email that was sent to you and follow the instructions.
    1. Read and sign the end user agreement
    2. Link your AfricArXiv account with your ORCID profile to log in through your ORCID account for submissions. 
    3. Set a password for your account.  
  3. Now you can log in to the AfricArXiv submission portal and add a new item.

To begin your submission, choose the community collection to create your new item in the pop-up window. 

For general individual submission please choose “General Repository”. 

If your submission belongs to a dedicated community collection hosted on AfricArXiv, please ensure access to it; otherwise, contact our support team at to assist you.

4) Fill in all relevant fields and those that apply to your work

  • Upload your file
  • Author / Authors – please click on “+ add more” to list contributing authors separately
  • Title
  • Other titles – here you can add an alternative title, e.g. a translation of the title in your local language or a language relevant to the research topic or geographic region)
  • Date of issue–  please add today’s date or the date the work was originally published if previously distributed)
  • Identifiers – please keep the listed Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); upon deposit of your submission, the system will allocate a DOI (digital object identifier) to your item to increase its discoverability. Please add another Identifier, in case you are submitting a file that was previously distributed elsewhere
  • Type – Please select the type of your file that applies (article, book chapter, dataset, presentation, preprint, … )
  • Language – Please select the language that applies

5) In the DESCRIBE section

  • Subject keywords – Start typing a research subject that applies to your work, you should see a list of words appear to choose from. Add any relevant keywords manually that you do not find in the listing.
  • Abstract
  • Sponsors – please list any Funders, and funding codes that supported your work 
  • Description – any other information you would like to add. Here you can point to related work this item might refer to
  • Deposit license – please read and confirm the deposit license, enabling us to archive and disseminate your files on your behalf.

Once you have filled all files listed above and any other that might apply, you can either Save the entry to deposit later or click on the green button + Deposit to finalize your submission.

Our team will moderate the submission within a few days.

Please do contact us should you experience any issues during the submission process.

upload your manuscript via our new platform at

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